Melting Crayons with Preschoolers (States of Matter)

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. I wanted to stick with a fall theme and include pumpkins in our experiments.  Next week, we will explore what is inside them maybe do a little carving, but this week, I wanted to something different.  I have seen so many melting crayon ideas around and decided to combine science with art.

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Creating Slime with Preschoolers Take One

Hello!  This week we did our first, of many, experiments with slime.  We had a BLAST!!

Here are the supplies we used: liquid starch, school glue, and food coloring.  I had crafting sticks and other materials to create impressions.  We also needed a large bowl and something to mix the solution, we used a paintbrush.

Here are the supplies we used: liquid starch, school glue, and food coloring. I had crafting sticks and other materials to create impressions. We also needed a large bowl and something to mix the solution, we used a paintbrush.

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