Preschool Theme: Under the Sea


Ok, I went WAY overboard with the amount of books that I had on hand for the kids and parents to read!  You can find my list here.  There are so many children’s books available on the topic “Under the Sea.”  We started out by reading The Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen.  I recently bought the hard-cover of this book for $5 (yeah!!) at Kohl’s.  They also have $5 stuffed animals that correspond with the books.  Unfortunately, our store was out of the stuffed pout-pout fish (boo!!).  After our story and song, we had our centers….

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Pretend Play: Creating a Post Office

I love the idea of creating a life-like mailroom for my kids.  A Mailroom or Post Office is unique in that it combines pretend play with learning to read and write.  I haven’t made a mail room in our house yet, so I thought that I would create a wish list of what I would like to use in the future in our house and/or classroom.

First, I thought that I would share some of what I look for in setting up a make-believe environment:

  • I have to be cheap.  I, personally, need to be able to cheaply purchase or create the environment.  That being said, this is a wish list so I may feature items out of my price range to ask for Christmas or to replicate in my own way.
  • My space is a bit limited.  Therefore, I would like the environment to be somewhat portable.  I would like the option of packing it up and storing it away or taking it to the classroom.
  • Also, I have a very high tolerance for messes, however, I would like the environment to be easy to tidy up, if needed.
  • I have included some more of my ideas and a bit of research on an earlier post here

postal uniform2

Here we go….I would love for my children to look the part.  I found two uniforms here and here that, at the time of posting, were about $25.

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