Smaller Gifts ($20 and under): Older Children (about ages 4-8)

hamburger erasers

If you are looking for under $20 gifts for children under the age of four, check out this post.  Otherwise, read on….

I have compiled a list smaller (under $20) gifts that are fun and educational for children about the ages of 4-8.  These gifts can be stocking stuffers, or just rainy day gifts.  Enjoy!

Hardcover Books.  I assume that most people are like me in that they primarily purchase paperback books for their children.  Except for the previously owned selection in our house, we mostly have paperback or board books.  We would hardy have any books in our house if we had to spend upwards of twenty dollars per book.  Hardcover books are extra special.  They are larger and usually feature a cover and artwork of some kind on the end pages.  They have substance to them when you hold them and paperback versions of some books are just not the same, especially when the book consists of intricate illustrations.  Hardcover books can be a special gift that will last a long time, if taken care of properly.


Here are a few examples of books that are wonderful in the hardcover form…

  • “Flotsam” By David Wiesner. Published by Clarion/Houghton Mifflin in 2006, it was the 2007 winner of the Caldecott Medal.  This book takes the reader through a magical journey through time.  What makes this book extra special in hardcover form, aside from the beautiful illustrations, is that it is a wordless picture book.  Due to the fact that the pictures tell the story of this book, having it in hardcover makes it easier to see all of the details.  Full review to come.
  • Paul O. Zelinsky Books.  Paul O. Zelinsky  illustrated books are extra special in hard cover form, especially his fairy and folk tales.  Some of his titles include Rapunzel,  Rumpelstiltskin, and Swamp Angel (Illustrator).  I have read several versions of these fairy tales, and in my opinion, Zelinsky’s illustrations are some of the best.  He also wrote and illustrated “The Wheels on the Bus” which features different tabs to make object in the song move.
  • A lot of classic books are extra special in hardcover form such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle, Where the Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak, and Dr. Seuss Books.

memory game

-Games:  Children this age are usually involved in some type of environment where they are going to be interacting with other children.  Games are a great way to help children learn different strategies while learning life-lessons such as taking turns, being patient, and being a good sport. They are also a great bonding time for families.

Here are a couple examples….

  • Classic Hasbro games such as  The Original Memory Game, Chutes and Ladders, and Candy Land.
  • eeBoo Games and puzzles.  Their card games, such as Old Maid, and their puzzles are very cute and seem studier than a lot of other brands.  They include a lot of games and puzzles that portray people from all over the world. is their website.  You can check out their products, however they suggest going to your local neighborhood store to purchase.


Writing Accessories.  Kids are so imaginative.  Why not harness their imaginations in the form of written stories?  At this stage, children are starting to learn the structure of narratives.  These gifts can help guide children through creating their very own books.  BONUS:  The books can be kept safe and given to your children when they are older-What fun?!?!

  • Bare Books.  Bare Books are just what they sound like, empty books that are ready for your children to fill out and color.  They have all types of shapes and sizes.  They even have games boards and puzzles that your child can create!  You can order them from their website
  • Pencil Grips- Chances are, your child is still adjusting to how to correctly hold a pencil.  Grips can help guide your child on how to hold their pencils.  They can also add comfort to your child’s delicate fingers.  There are a ton of options out there.  Here is one website:
  • Erasers- Erasers are fun because there are so many different choices.  There are cell phones, animals, money, and even hamburgers.  It would be easy to find something that your child is interested in.  Sometimes children find comfort in knowing that they are able to erase their mistakes.  It gives them more encouragement to try.  Here is a website with some examples”
Smencils can be purchased through their website, or you can find them at many local toy stores.

Smencils can be purchased through their website, or you can find them at many local toy stores.